Saturday, April 26, 2008


For yu don't no, momie dadi and I ar movink to Shicago soon. We ar getting apartmunt new for living and excite me. Momie and dadi both layowt made on blogs four new apartmunt. I make too. Heer is layowt for new apartmunt make by me.

Heer layowt is me. (Dadie taked pikshur.)

Heer is momi layowt:

Heer dadie is layowt:
Layowt for by me is best. I no.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New foto and vlog

I now have sweet foto new for me profile. Also, vlog I maked. Is easeyer for to vlog than writing.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

wow with da nosing

so yes, this is weerd thing that happuns in my nose. i sit on floor, on chayer, in lap, on televishun, in bathtub, and nose gets slime in it. i then haf to make lowd noise, close eyes, and blow out nose very really hard. then, i feel gud and say "awhhh." mom laf lots when i do.

but still, slime leeky out my nose, and is salty. i no is salty becuz i eet lots of it too. i don't no four shur, but i think eeting nose slime is gross.

the end.