Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Milk tym

I hav desided that tomorow nite i am going to brake owt of my cryb in the middul of the nite and get me som milk. I no ther ar a lot of peeps in this bilding, and I think I can sell the milk for loads of cash which I will then uze to purchas some sereeuhs bling. Don't tell. Tomorrow nite, it gows down.


Jim Elek said...

great plan, but i think u may lack the knowledge of what your hands are, who they belong to, how to use them, and control of muscle movement necessary to open the fridge door. good luck in your future plans. i now have to type a word that will allow me to post this comment. this word is making me uncomfortable. the word is geyticl and i think it is pronounced gay-tickle. i'll type it though, jusy because i want to be able to correspond with my niece.

Tim and Deane said...

Norah, you let Grandpa know any time you want to break out, and he'll help.

Rachel Elek said...

jim that is so funny!